29 April 2015

This post reviews mechanisms for obtaining metadata from AWS for an EC2 instance that is starting. The instance is assumed to be starting in response to a CloudFormation event, so there is metadata associated with the CloudFormation stack as well as the EC2 instance that we retrieve.


During EC2 instance startup, it would be convenient to have information about the context in which an instance is operating so that it can configure itself for operation correctly. This information is available from external sources and can be obtained using different mechanisms for different pieces of data. There can't be only one.


The good news is that AWS comes with the tools to obtain the metadata. The less salubrious news is that there is no simple step to grab the metadata and make it available to the instance. So, situation normal. The tools that we will be using to grab the metadata include:

  • the EC2 reflection interfaces at
  • the AWS CLI tools
  • the CloudFormation helper cfn-get-metadata

This post will be addressing the mechanisms used in this Gist which extracts the metadata available for an EC2 instance and its stack.

Using the EC2 reflection interfaces

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances are virtual machines that are booted within the AWS cloud and available to the account that started the instance. As part of the startup, information about the running instance is made available to the instance through a special endpoint: that provides simple GET access to the values.

The available information is described in the AWS documentation

This information is available to anyone making an HTTP GET request from the host itself. This information is not visible outside the instance. Some of this information is available through other mechanisms as well, an suitable security considerations should be observed. Such as not including sensitive content in User Data, for example.

Using the AWS CLI tools

The AWS CLI tools are available on the Ubuntu systems by installing the Python ‘awscli’ package (pip awscli). These tools can be executed from either the EC2 host or any external host as well. This means that authentication and authorization are required to successfully use these tools.

Authentication is provided by any of several different mechanisms. If the tool is invoked from an EC2 instance that has been imbued with an IAM role, then that role provides the authorization for accessing information via the command. Otherwise, the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key values (created with the IAM user account), along with the AWS region information should be used. These values can be placed in the AWS config file (~/.aws/config) or can be used directly on the command line. Use on the command line is discouraged since those values are visible to anyone logged on.

Using the CloudFormation helper tools

The Cloud Formation helper script cfn-get-metadata is used to gather the stack metadata. This helper script is installed using one of the mechanisms described in the AWS help pages. When creating a stack with Cloud Formation, this is usually done with the User Data script ensuring this occurs before the instance is made available.

Anatomy of the code

The Gist code here is described below.

What needs to be loaded first

The network interface needs to be present and running for the reflection interface to be used.

The AWS CLI tools need to be installed and authorization provided – either using the Access ID and Secred, or an IAM role – for these tools to be used. They require that the python package manager pip is installed as well.

The Cloud Formation scripts need to be installed in order to use them to access metadata about the AWS resources.

Where the results go

Lines 1 through 9 of the Gist locate and create a working directory and name output files to hold the information gathered about the instance and the stack. This is simple bash script code.

Getting metadata for the current instance

Data about the current insance is gathered using the AWS CLI tool. In order to access this data, we need to know the AWS InstanceId. We can obtain the instance Id using the reflection interface.

Lines 10 through 14 show how we determine the instance Id value. First we setup the use of curl for accessing the data URL, and then make a GET call to the /latest/meta-data/instance-id location. We store the returned value both locally in a shell variable as well as writing it to a file named instanceid.

Lines 16 through 19 show a call to the AWS CLI to aws ec2 describe-instances which returns JSON formatted data for all of the available instances. The jq command is then used to select only the portion of the data that describes the current instance and stores that into the instancedata.json file.

Extracting values from the metadata

Lines 21 through 24 show how the Availability Zone, Stack Id, and Logical Id values are taken from the instance data we just obtained. This is all done using queries of the jq command on the instance data.

Lines 26 through 30 show how we extract the region from the availability zone. This assumes that the region is simply the zone with the last character truncated.

Getting metadata for the CloudFormation stack

Once we have obtained the Stack Id, Logical Id, and Region from the instance data, then we can use those values to obtain the stack data using the CloudFormation script cfn-get-metadata script. This is shown on Lines 43 and 44.

Note that we need to strip the double quotes from the values we obtained from the instance data. We do that here by simply executing eval echo $value.

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